Reading Aloud with Art School Maa: Informal Arts Education 4.4.2024

On 4.4.2024 Art School Maa students and staff visited Kitchen Lab Tarvo and Andrew Gryf Paterson for a reading aloud session.

📻📻 You can now listen to the recording via this link (languages: Finnish and English. 📻📻

Context: This is a recording of the event organised to co-incide with a visit of Art School Maa students to Kitchen Lab Tarvo in West Helsinki. This is at a time when the independently run contemporary arts school Art School Maa, based on Suomenlinna, is under threat by funding cuts and the planned discontinuation of Kela's study grants for Maa’s future students.

The session involves reading aloud statements of support that Maa has received in Finnish and English languages.