
Postal address

Taidekoulu Maa
Suomenlinna B 20 F
00190 Helsinki



Art School Maa is located on Suomenlinna, more specifically on Susisaari island. The ferry ride from Kauppatori to Suomenlinna takes about 15 minutes. The walk from the ferry harbor to the school is about 1 km.

The school’s front door’s width is 106 cm. There are two 20 cm high steps in front of the front door. Inside the building, there are multiple steps. The toilets are downstairs, but they are narrow. The second floor is accessible only by stairs. The stairs have 15 steps which are 19 cm high. The closest accessible toilets are by the Tykistölahti kiosk and by the Summer Theatre.

Links for moving around in a wheelchair in Suomenlinna:

More accessible routes in Suomenlinna 

In Finnish: Suomenlinna pyörätuolilla (Palmuasema)