Open courses

Maa organises evening courses that are open to everyone. On this page, you can find information about upcoming evening courses.

We always announce new courses on this page and on social media. There are more courses coming!

(photo from Vidha Saumya's course)

✍︎ 3.9.–30.10.2024: Reduction Linocut Printmaking with Dahlia El Broul

✍︎ ➡️ Register now! (Registration open until 28.8.2024)

Topic: Reduction Linocut Printmaking (with 2 colours and black)
Teacher: Dahlia El Broul (MA, she/they)

Price: 170 €
Schedule: 8x Tuesdays 17.30–20.00, last day on Wednesday 17.30–20.00
Dates: 3.9., 10.9., 17.9., 24.9., 1.10., 8.10., 22.10., 29.10., Wed 30.10. (no course in week 42 on 15.10. due to autumn vacation)
Location: Art School Maa, Suomenlinna B 20 F, 00190 Helsinki (read more about accessibility here)
Course languages: English

ℹ️ Read all info here

23.9.–2.12.24 Open evening course: Vegan tempera, teacher: Annaliisa Krage

➡️ Sign up here (by 16.9.2024)

Price: 170 € 
Schedule: 9x Mondays 17.15–19.45 (ferry 16.40 from Market Square)
Dates: 23.9., 30.9., 7.10., 21.10., 28.10., 4.11., 11.11., 18.11., 2.12.2024 (no teaching during break week 42 on 14.10.)
Location: Art School Maa, Suomenlinna B 20 F, 00190 Helsinki (read more about Maa's accessibility)
Course languages: Finnish and English, depending on the participants' needs

ℹ️ Read all info here

Previous evening courses

✏️ 19.4.–17.5.2024: Open evening course (in Finnish): Drawing evenings with Eija Keskinen

ℹ️ Lisätietoja

✍︎ 27.2.–30.4.24: Lino printing, teacher: Dahlia El Broul

ℹ️ More info here

🎨 15.1.–18.3.24: Tempera painting, teacher: Annaliisa Krage

ℹ️ More info

🎨 27.9.-30.11.23: Tempera painting, teacher: Annaliisa Krage

ℹ️ More info here

Piirustus ilmaisumuotona (in Finnish)

11.3.–6.5.2022, 23.9.–.2.12.2022, 16.9.–2.12.2021, 22.1.–23.4.2021, and during previous years
Teacher: Eija Keskinen

Artist books: Concept to exhibition

Teacher: Vidha Saumya

How To Inhabit A Transitory Space

30.1.–1.4.2018, 20.11.–18.12.2017, 30.1.–1.4.2017, and during previous years
Teacher: Egle Oddo